Frequently Asked Questions
1. Pathology of Vasa Previa
- 1.1. How does vasa previa occur?
- The theory about this that makes most sense is called Trophotropism. The easiest way to
explain this is to make a comparison to a plant. A plant will lean towards the sun to get
the light it needs to survive. Since the lower segment of the uterus is not as nourishing
as the upper segment, the placenta will grow to reach more nourishing tissue. The
placental mass will erode away from the cervix, but the vessels can't. This also explains
the velamentous insertion of the cord. That the mass may erode and the new growth may
occur away from the location where the cord inserts.
- 1.2. How similar are cord prolapse and vasa previa? With a cord prolapse there are also blood vessels (although
protected by Wharton's jelly) in front of the cervix. Does vasa previa require unprotectedvessels?
- Vasa previa vessels are adherent to the membranes over the
cervix, and they can be torn open with cervical dilation. Cord
prolapse is of a free floating umbilical cord which happens to be presenting in front of a
cervix which dilates, allowing the cord to enter the canal and then becomes compressed as the head of the baby enters
the canal.
- 1.3. How dangerous is velamentous cord insertion with a high placenta?
- Velamentous cord insertion is relatively common with an estimated incidence of 1:100 singleton pregnancies. When located in the upper segment of the uterus the risks are not as great as when located in the lower segment, although there is a chance that they could tear during the third stage of labour when the placenta is being delivered if the cord is pulled.
Velamentous cord or succenturiate
lobed with connecting vessels away from the cervix is of little clinical importance most of the time. A velamentous cord may have a more delicate origin and be at risk of torsion and obstruction. There may or may not be consequences for fetal growth and for twin transfusion syndrome -- some not well validated observations suggested in some medical articles.
- 1.4. Is velamentous cord insertion dangerous by itself, without having vasa previa?
- Yes, velamentous cord insertion can be dangerous when
the unprotected blood vessels are not crossing the cervix, but are located in the lower segment of the uterus. Depending on the extent of the exposed vessels and where they are located they may be at risk of rupture or compression late in pregnancy.
- 1.5. How common is velamentous cord insertion?
- Published sources suggest that velamentous cord insertion occurs about 1-2 times per 100
pregnancies. Figures vary depending on whose study you read. Vasa previa is generally said
to occur about 1:2-3000 pregnancies.
- 1.6. What are the causes of velamentous cord insertion?
- Placental remodeling.
- 1.7. Could you say that there is only risk of velamentous cord insertion when
the cord inserts marginally? What causes a cord to insert marginally? Is this something
that could be inherited?
- Velamentous cord is one step beyond a marginal insertion -- an exaggeration of the same process.
The term "trophotropism" has
been used to explain that a placenta seeks a best blood supply and can grow in the direct
of favorable blood supply and can atrophy where the blood supply is less favorable. Lower
uterine blood supply is less optimal than higher up. If the placenta implants low, it may
"migrate" by differential proliferation and atrophy. Each existing part of the
placenta remains where it formed, however, including the cord insertion. If about half the
placenta "melts away", a marginal cord occurs. If the migration is more extreme,
velamentous cord insertion occurs, and if the placenta was initially
a previa, vasa previa may be the result.
- 1.8. Has vasa previa or velamentous cord insertion been related to a higher incidence of birth defects than those
born without vp or vci?
- No, most of these babies are totally normal. VCI and vasa previa are associated with a higher incidence of
poor outcome.
- 1.9. The chances of vasa previa recurring are
said to be 1:3000, the same chance as for any other woman. A low-lying placenta, or
placenta previa, are likely to re-appear though, because of damage in the other regions of
the uterus. Is velamentous cord insertion
likely to re-appear?
- There is no objective evidence of an increased
likelihood of vasa previa after a first case, but
your proposed risk factor comments have some potential chance of affecting future
placentation. But the likelihood of a repeat is very, very low.
- 1.10. The placenta is developed from the
baby, then implanted to the mother. Since the baby is made of both mother and father could
there be a genetic factor involved for having velamentous
cord insertion? If so, would that be from the mother's genes or from the baby's genes?
- The concept of how the cord and the placenta form is somewhat different from what you wrote in this question. The egg is fertilized by the sperm
while it is still in the tube (salpinx), and it starts to divide into a multi-celled ball
called the blastocyst. This will later differentiate into the fetus, cord, and the fetal
tissue of the placenta called the Trophoblastic villi. The blastocyst enters the uterus
from the tube, probably wanders around for a day or more, and eventually implants in the
wall of the uterus. The site of implantation is thought to be selective, trying to achieve
a site with good blood supply, more often high than low in the uterus, as was mentioned
before. Certain conditions may predispose to a low implantation, especially uterine scars
as from cesarian section deliveries in prior pregnancies. Wherever the blastocyst implants
will be the initial site of the placenta. It is thought that the placenta starts as
rounded disk with the cord insertion at its center. The fetal tissue differentiates from
the placenta at the blastocyst stage, with the fetus separating and linked by the
developing cord. Low implantations of placenta have a strong tendancy to migrate upwards
toward the body and fundus of the uterus, which can shift the cord (which remains where it
initally formed relative to the underlying uterine wall) toward a marginal or even
velamentous insertion. In effect the placenta atrophies out from under the cord, which
remains where it was at implantation. There is no evidence of genetic predisposions within
families to account for velementous cords. It is believed that the occurence is specific
to the vascular supply and peculiarities of an individual uterus, including any scarring whether from operations, infections, or prior pregancy
- 1.11. The chances of velamentous cord insertion are 1:50. Does the
combination low-lying placenta (or placenta previa) and velamentous cord insertion
automatically result in vasa previa? In other words: does a velamentous cord insertion
always occur at the bottom of the placenta or could it also be at the top? If it is always
at the bottom, is it safe to say that women with a low-lying placenta have a 1:50 chance
of vasa previa?
- The risk of occurrence of velamentous cord insertion is variably reported, in one
reference book it was listed at between 1:1000 and 1:55, (the textbook
obviously quoting a variety of different published medical articles). Experience would
suggest a less frequent occurrence than 1:50 you gave. The presence of an initial previa,
with trophotropism then producing remodeling, is the mechanism that is thought to lead to velamentous cords. Whether there will or will not
be vasa previa depends on the initial location of the cord insertion and the direction
toward which the placenta migrates/atrophies. There is no obligate situation which must
produce a vasa previa.
- 1.12. Is a low lying placenta only
dangerous because it increases the risks on vasa previa when you are having velamentous insertion? Or does a low-lying
placenta also increase the chances of velamentous insertion?
- It would be most likely with a velamentous cord insertion in a low-lying placenta only
because of proximity to the cervix. A velamentous insertion on a placenta higher in the
uterus is not a significant consequence most times.
- 1.13. Can vasa previa improve as the pregnancy progresses?
- Occasionally. Unlike a placenta previa the vessels involved in a vasa previa are unlikely to erode away (which is how a placenta previa seemingly "moves"). There is a chance that this vessel will become thrombosed (plugged). This would take away the risk of fetal bleeding, but whether the baby would tolerate this depends on what proportion of the blood flows through this vessel. With increasing rates of early diagnosis of vasa previa during the 18-20 week morphology ultrasound we are hearing of more cases where the vasa previa does not persist until term. Although the vessels do not go away or move on their own, when the lower segment of the uterus forms in the later part of pregnancy, the expansion can lead to an increase in distance between the vessels and the cervix. This is not a true “resolution” of vasa previa but in some rare cases it may allow for a vaginal delivery. There is currently no evidence about what is considered to be a “safe” distance between the exposed vessels and the cervix, However keeping in mind that the cervix dilates to 10cm across for birth, any vessels within that area may be at risk. While 2cm may be considered safe for placenta previa we do not believe that is the case for vasa previa.
- 1.14. Could vasa previa cause a placental abruption?
- They are not related at all.
- 1.15. Is the prognosis for the bi-lobed/succenturiate lobed vasa previa better than
that of the velamentous insertion of the cord vasa previa? Is there less risk for growth
- Presumably both situations, bi-lobed/succenturiate
lobed and velamentous insertion, are at risk and should be managed similarly.
- 1.16. Can bi-lobed placenta lobes grow together and become one huge massive placenta?
- The placenta can change during pregnancy but little is documented as to how.
- 1.17. How often do bi-lobed placentas recur?
- The answer to this is not known.
- 1.18. What would be the
percentages of vasa previa happening again after having a bi-lobed placenta?
- The answer to this is unknown.
- 1.19. What is the likelihood of
having a repeat low-lying placenta?
- There are no studies looking at this issue.
- 1.20. What is the likeliness
of a reoccurrence of vasa previa or velamentous insertion in a subsequent pregnancy?
- This is unknown. No one has data on recurrence risk for vasa previa; nevertheless it is
extremely low....You cannot reduce your risk of a recurrence. Don't worry, the risk is
low. See a perinatologist to do a thorough sonogram. There are several other complications
of pregnancy that can be dangerous. The risks of any of these are much higher than the
risk of recurrent vasa previa. See a good OB/GYN and one that you trust and have good
rapport with.
- 1.21. Are there any cases known in which a woman has had vasa
previa and/or velamentous cord insertion in more than one pregnancy?
- The IVPF has learned of several women who had vasa previa during their subsequent pregnancies, including one who had it three times in total;
however this information has not been documentedin the published literature.
- 1.22. Why do so many
vasa previa babies seem to be breeched or traverse?
- Most likely the transverse lie is related to the low-lying placenta. When the placenta
occupies the lower portion of the uterus, it prevents the head from engaging (going into
the lower segment of the uterus, and the pelvis). Therefore, the baby may not be head
first. The position of the vasa previa baby may also reflect an attempt by the baby to
avoid compression of the velamentous vessels.
- 1.23. What are common factors in each of the women who have had vasa previa?
- Vasa previa does have an association with a low-lying placenta, which may be associated
with previous uterine surgery including prior cesarean, maternal smoking, multiple
pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc), and also with assisted conception (artificial
insemination, in-vitro fertilization, etc).
- 1.24. What can one do to reduce the chances of a second occurrence of vasa previa in a subsequent pregnancy?
- The answer to this is unknown. Again, recurrence risk is low...
- 1.25. What lifestyle factors or medical conditions increase the likelihood of vasa previa?
- The answer to this is unknown. There are no lifestyle changes that affect the incidence of
vasa previa. However, vasa previa does have an association with a low-lying placenta,
which may be associated with prior cesarean, maternal smoking, multiple pregnancy, and
also with assisted conception.
- 1.26. How many babies still die due to vasa previa even with a diagnosis during the pregnancy?
- Published data from retrospective case studies on vasa previa shows a variable mortality rate of 30-100%. Data suggests that survival is practically 100% if the diagnosis of vasa previa is made prenatally, and the baby is delivered by elective cesarean section prior to the onset of labor. Unfortunately we still see deaths from vasa previa either due to a lack of prenatal diagnosis or inappropriate management following diagnosis.
2. Diagnosing Vasa Previa
- 2.1. Why is it that so many
OB/GYNs don't seem to have up-to-date information on vasa previa? And why do most of
them seem to take a very "can't do anything about it anyway" attitude towards
vasa previa?
- Vasa previa can be diagnosed prenatally. The time has come when physicians should look
actively for it. The tragedy of fetal death from a ruptured vasa previa is preventable in
the majority of cases. There is little educational opportunity for the obstetrical
provider to study umbilical cord accidents.
- 2.2. What kind of success does the new
3D ultrasound have with diagnosing vasa previa? How does it compare to the color Doppler
- The constant improvement in ultrasound will allow more accurate diagnosis of vasa previa.
- 2.3. After having vasa previa once,
should one be insistent with their doctor to have a color Doppler ultra sound with any
future pregnancies?
- There is no evidence of vasa previa repeating in subsequent pregnancy. An ultrasound
review of the placenta and cord would be important anyway.
- 2.4. If a doctor knew that one had a low-lying placenta AND a bilobed
placenta, should he have also known that the patient was a very good candidate for vasa
- Unfortunately physicians are often poorly educated about vasa previa; furthermore they
often consider the condition to be rare. Therefore, they are often caught totally unaware
when vasa previa does occur. The key is in a high index of suspicion. So the message
we are trying to get out is that all physicians should be suspicious and look for vasa
previa. Even the best sonographer will miss vasa previa if not on the lookout for it.
There definitely needs to be more education about ultrasound of the placenta and umbilical
- 2.5. Is there any way to detect velamentous cord insertion before birth?
- Yes. Velamentous insertion can be detected prior to birth using ultrasound, certainly with
color Doppler ultrasound.
3. Management of Vasa Previa
- 3.1. If a patient is diagnosed with
vasa previa, what should she be doing to help her situation? What are her chances of
normal delivery with this condition?
- The main issue will be awareness of the problem, close follow of the pregnancy and likely
limiting activity and sexual activity following 24 weeks of the pregnancy-much as you
would with a placenta previa. Delivery will have to be via cesarean section and probably
electively in advance of your due date to avoid rupture of membranes and/or labor with
cervical dilation. Vaginal examination should be avoided.
- 3.2. Fetal death associated
with vasa previa is said to be as high as 75 percent. Are the odds any better if diagnosis
was made antepartum?
- Most of the deaths described occur acutely after the bag of waters breaks and
tears the vessel. Recognition of the problem can be delayed because of the normal
"bloody show" that occurs as the cervix dilates. If this occurs at home then the
likelihood of delivering baby in time to prevent death or injury becomes very unlikely.
The other situation where problems for the baby occur is when the presenting part, usually
the baby's head drops so low into the pelvis that the vessel gets compressed, stopping
blood flow. Again, whether this is a problem depends on how much blood is flowing through
the vessel supplying the baby with oxygen. Knowing that the vessel is in a vulnerable
position from both types of injury improves the likelihood of a good outcome. The biggest
problem is trying to predict if and when such an event might occur. Hence the suggestion
that you will spend some time in the hospital before baby is born.
- 3.3. How likely is third trimester bleeding with vasa previa?
- With a vasa previa not associated with abnormal placental implantation (some form of
placental previa) there should be no increase in third trimester bleeding. Bleeding from a
vasa previa only occurs if the vessel is torn or ruptures.
- 3.4. Placenta previa bleeding can be
stopped and the pregnancy can progress. Is this possible with vasa previa?
- No. There is nothing that we actively do to stop bleeding from a placenta previa. Bleeding
from a placenta previa occurs because the attachment of the placenta to the uterus breaks
(peels off). Often the bleeding stops as a result of the formation of blot clots in the
area that has separated. Bleeding from a vasa previa occurs because the vessel has been
torn. Possibly the vessel could spasm and close down flow, but flow is usually so brisk
that clots get washed away before they can seal the tear.
- 3.5. How is this condition managed? At what point, if any, are patients admitted to the hospital? If there is bleeding, how
much time can pass before the baby is at risk? Can an emergency C-section be performed
that quickly?
- The condition is usually managed by a cesarean delivery. The timing of the cesarean is where there is some controversy. One would like it to be late enough in the pregnancy that the baby is mature and has no problems of prematurity. However, the later one waits then the more likely that an emergent situation arises. There is no good answer as to how long a baby can hold out before beginning to have problems. An emergency cesarean can be performed quickly if someone is in the hospital. Whether or not it can be done "quick enough" is uncertain and unfortunately even in the best of circumstances baby can be at risk. The International Vasa Previa Foundation recommends hospitalization in the third trimester and delivery by C-section at approximately 35-36 weeks. All management plans should be based on individual consultation with suitably qualified obstetrician.
- 3.6. Once vasa previa is diagnosed prenatally, what should the course of action be...
- ...complete bed rest or just activity restrictions?
- Bed rest is not essential. However, a reduction in activity is desirable as is avoidance
of sexual intercourse, and the mother should be admitted in the third trimester as
previously discussed.
- ...when should you be admitted to the hospital?
- When vasa previa is diagnosed prenatally, it makes sense to hospitalize the mother in the third trimester (possibly around 31-32 weeks), and deliver the baby by cesarean section at about 35-36 weeks. She may require delivery earlier should bleeding occur. Why hospitalize the mother? In the event that the membranes should rupture and bleeding ensues, rapid delivery is possible in hospital, whereas in the time it takes the mother to arrive in hospital from home, the fetus will most likely be dead. Doctors regularly admit women with preterm labor, pre eclampsia, placenta previa and other conditions which are not associated with perinatal mortality anywhere near as high as vasa previa.
- ...should you be monitored constantly while
- Monitoring in hospital does not necessarily need to be excessive. A fetal heart tracing
each day should be adequate (this is done in most hospitals for all obstetric in
patients). The reason for admission is to be able to act in the event of rupture of the
membranes and bleeding, not primarily for monitoring.
- ...what course of action should be taken for
preterm contractions?
- Preterm contractions should be treated with drugs to stop them (tocolytics). Persistent
preterm contractions leading to labor are an indication to consider Cesarean delivery,
especially if the fetus is mature and steroids have been given.
- what point should the baby be delivered
early even if the lungs may not be mature rather than risk rupturing?
- Thirty-six weeks appears a reasonable gestational age to schedule delivery. Most fetuses
will have mature lungs at this gestational age. Certainly, death of lung immaturity at 36
weeks is virtually unheard of, provided the mother is not diabetic and the dates are
accurate. Compare this with the risk of death or poor outcome should the membranes
Education of the patient and expectant delivery at the least evidence of labor is
- 3.7. Is there any risk having a bi-lobed placenta if the connecting vessels aren't crossing the cervix?
- A bilobed placenta carries some risk even when the connecting vessels do not overlie the
cervix. The connecting vessels may rupture. Velamentous insertion, even when not
vasa previa (not overlying the cervix) is more frequently associated with fetal
abnormalities and poor obstetric outcome. The risk is lower than with vasa previa, but
still these patients may require more intensive monitoring.
- 3.8. After having had vasa previa once,
should one be insistent with their doctor to have a color Doppler ultra sound with any
future pregnancies?
- There is no evidence of vasa previa repeating in subsequent pregnancy. An ultrasound
review of the placenta and cord would be important anyway.
- 3.9. If a woman has velamentous cord insertion, but not vasa previa, is
it safe to deliver vaginally?
- Though it is common to deliver with a VCI without detriment to the baby, VCI carries risk
even when not a vasa previa. VCI may be allowed a trial of labor if the vessels are away
from the cervix. However, close continuous monitoring is mandatory. The vessels could
rupture, and also pressure on the vessels could lead to fetal compromise. This can be
detected early by monitoring.