Learn About the International Vasa Previa Foundation

The International Vasa Previa Foundation (IVPF) was established in January 2001 by parents who had the unfortunate luck to experience vasa previa first hand. It is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes as a non-profit tax-exempt organization incorporated in the state of Illinois in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. The organization provides information and support to the general public and health care professionals regarding the potentially fatal prenatal condition known as vasa previa.

The IVPF agrees that vasa previa can, but should not be, a devastating complication of pregnancy. Despite its severity, it is commonly unrecognized by women, midwives, and sometimes even obstetricians. It is often not detected during pregnancy and when not managed appropriately can result in fetal mortality rates estimated to be as high as 95 percent.

The IVPF and its members participate in research projects on vasa previa. The organization provides information and resources about vasa previa through its website, social media pages and attendance at medical conferences. It sponsors medical in-service educational programs and an email support group.

The IVPF is an all-volunteer charity organized to promote awareness and provide support and advocacy to the general public and professionals regarding the potentially fatal obstetric condition known as vasa previa.

Infant death due to vasa previa is an avoidable tragedy. The consolidated results of science, technology, and the IVPF's experience with hundreds of vasa previa families have all shown that infant death and injury from vasa previa can be avoided when vasa previa is prenatally diagnosed and C-section delivery is performed at about 35-36 weeks.

Our objectives are to raise awareness about vasa previa and eliminate infant death caused by undiagnosed vasa previa.

We need your help! Please consider joining us in this important cause by becoming a participating (voting) member of the Foundation. Foundation members are actively working to spread awareness of vasa previa through out the world. If you are interested in joining the Foundation please send us your request for participating membership. With your help we will make infant death due to vasa previa a thing of the past.

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